On A Tangent: Voices of Mathematics Münster

Welcome to "On A Tangent", where we tell the stories behind the mathematics. In each episode, we meet a different early career mathematician from Mathematics Münster, and learn about their research, their path towards mathematics, and their hopes for the future. We explore the many different shapes that mathematical research can take, the early memories that led people towards the subject, and try to understand a little bit better the voices that make the mathematical community of today.

Hosted by Simone Ramello, produced by the science communication team of Mathematics Münster
Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay
Graphics by Melina Aggelidakis

On A Tangent: Voices of Mathematics Münster

Latest episodes

Episode 6: Finding Structure in Groups, with Marjory Mwanza

Episode 6: Finding Structure in Groups, with Marjory Mwanza

22m 11s

In this episode of On A Tangent, Simone is joined by Marjory Mwanza, a Young African Mathematicians (YAM) Fellow working in group theory. We learn about how one goes from statistics to group theory, and where to find deep structure in seemingly simple objects.

Episode 5: How an Inventor becomes a Mathematician, with Rin Ray

Episode 5: How an Inventor becomes a Mathematician, with Rin Ray

20m 20s

In this episode of On A Tangent, Simone is joined by Rin Ray, a postdoc in Topology. We learn about why an inventor becomes a mathematician, and how to build bridges between deep questions in different areas.

Episode 4: Weddings and Limit Structures, with Rob Sullivan

Episode 4: Weddings and Limit Structures, with Rob Sullivan

28m 43s

In this episode of On A Tangent, Simone is joined by Rob Sullivan, a postdoc in Combinatorics and Model Theory. We learn about what children do to entertain themselves at boring weddings, and what we do (not) know about ultrahomogeneous structures.